
Lubbock Chamber Music

Classics and Neoclassics

Friday, October 20, 2023 | 7:30 PM

The Buddy Holly Hall- Crickets Theater


Following the unrestrained music of the Romantic Era, 20th-century composers craved a return to clarity and balance, which they borrowed from the Classical Era. Featuring the Lubbock Chamber Orchestra led by Dr. Eric Allen, explore Dvořák and Stravinsky’s neoclassic twists on the classical form as we juxtapose them with their predecessors, Mozart and Bologne, “Chevalier.”

Mozart-Overture to Marriage of Figaro

Dvořák-Serenade for Winds in D minor

Bologne-Symphony No. 2 

Stravinsky-Pulcinella Suite  

Lubbock Chamber Orchestra

Dr. Eric Allen, conductor